
What is a signal jammer?

  What is a signal jammer? A  signal jammer  is a device that blocks reception between signal towers or mobile phones. Developed for use by the military and law enforcement, these devices were created to combat threats like cell phone-triggered explosives and hostage situations. How do signal jammers work? Known as  cell phone jammers , signal blockers,  GPS jammers , or text stoppers, a cell phone signal jammer holds up the radio frequency in a given area, creating a sort of signal traffic jam that blocks all communication. Like a radio silence bubble, no calls or texts can be sent or received as long as the user is within range of the cell phone signal blocker. Are signal jammers legal? If the prospect of a cell phone signal blocker sweeps your imagination off to the secret machinations of an evil Bond villain plotting away in his lair, you’re not alone. That’s why —you guessed it — it is illegal to sell, advertise, distribute, or operate cell signal booster j...